School Information

School InformationWe make your child happy day after day

1 Name of the school with address:             (strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter or as permitted by the Board)with pin code no. SREE BUDDHA CENTRAL SCHOOL, EDAKULANGARA P.O, KARUNAGAPPALLY, KERALA, 690562.
(ii)Ph.No 04762662489, 04762664989.
(iii)Fax No.
2 Year of establishment of School June-1993
3 Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained Government  of Kerala.
(i) NOC No. 11799/N3/95/Gedn
(ii) NOC issuing date 16/03/1995
4 Is the School is recognised, if yes by which Authority Central Board of Secondary Education
5 Status of Affiliation: Permanent/Regular/Provisional Provisional
(i) Affiliation No. 930128
(ii) Affiliation with the Board since 1/4/1995
(iii) Extension of affiliation upto 31/3/2027
6 Name of Trust/Society?Company Registered under Section 25 of the Company Act, 1956. Period upto which Registration of Trust/Society is valid Sree Buddha Foundation, Kollam. Permanent registration , Renewed Annually
7 List of members of School Managing Committee with their Address/tenure and post held Member Name Father/Spouse Name Designation In SMC      Tenure- 1 year Phone Off Phone Res.
Vijayakumar. K C.R.Ramesan Principal 04762662489 04742799266
Nair Jayashree Ramachandran R Rajeev Vice Principal 04762662489 04762748750
Girija S V D Ajayakumar Vice Principal 04762662489 04792348998
Adv. S.Unnikrishnan Sreedharan PTA Presidant 9447769713 8921082488
Dr.Manu S Sankar Sivasankara Pillai PTA Representative 7907642582 9447790652
Dr. M Devakumar K Madhavan Representative Nominated by Society 04712592077 04702624119
Dr. K Anirudhan K Karunakaran Representative Nominated by Society 04742745644 04742763256
Dr. Vinayakumar K Lekshmanan Pannel Recommended by Society 09947815123
C P Kumaran Achuthan Nair Pannel Recommended by Society 09846620569
Dileep Kumar B K S Bhaskaran Pannel Recommended by Society 04762865312
Prof. K Sasikumar Karunakaran Nominee of Society 04742746169 04742746169
Dr. K B Manoj K Bahuleyan Nominee of Society 04762664989 04762629436
Prof. V Prasad Vasukutty Nominee of Society 04792401616 04792401616
G Yatheesh Gopinadhan Nominee of Society 04762691234 04762691234
Dr. M Ashokan Madhavan N Nominee of Society 04742593388 04742593388
Dr. G Reveendran Gopinadhan Nominee of Society 04742717013 04742717013
8 Name and official address of the Manager/President/Chairman?Correspondent Prof. K Sasikumar, Chairman, Sree Buddha Central School, Edakulangara P.O, Karunagappally,Kollam, Kerala, 690562
(i) E-mail
(ii) Ph.No 04742746169, 09447333269
(iii) Fax No. 4792375441
9 Area of School campus
(i) In Acres 4.46
(ii) In sq.mtrs. 18048.97954
(iii) Bult up area(sq.mtrs) 6712.24
(iv) Area of playground in sq.mtrs 2100
(v) Other facilities
    (i) Swimming pool Nil
    (ii) Indoor games Available
    (iii) Dance rooms Available
    (iv) Gymnasium Nil
    (v) Music rooms Available
    (vi) Hostels Nil
    (vii) Health and Medical Check up Twice in a Year
10 Details of fee structure
(i) Pre-Nursery
(ii) Nursery Admn. fee Rs.750/-(For new admission only)

First Term Rs.14000/- (5500/- each for II & III Term)

(iii) I to V Admn. fee Rs.750/-(For new admission only)

Class I to IV- Tuition Fee- Rs. 11880/-( I Term), (6930/- each for II & III Term)                                 Class V- Tuition Fee- Rs. 12390/-( I Term), (7240/- each for II & III Term)

(iv) VI to VIII Admn. fee Rs.750/-(For new admission only)

Class VI to VII- Tuition Fee- Rs. 12390/-( I Term), (7240/- each for II & III Term)                   Class VIII- Tuition Fee- Rs. 12980/-( I Term), (7730/- each for II & III Term)

(v) IX & X Admn. fee Rs.750/-(For new admission only)

Class IX- Tuition Fee- Rs. 12980/-( I Term), (7730/- each for II & III Term)                                Class X- Tuition Fee- Rs. 13050/-( I Term), (7950/- each for II & III Term)

(vi) XI & XII Admn. fee Rs.750/- , Caution Deposit – 200/- (For new admission only)

Class XI&XII- Tuition Fee- Rs.14850/-( I Term), (9250/- each for II & III Term)Computer Fee – Rs. 600/-(Termly for students with Computer Science option)

11 Transport facility
(i) Own buses Own buses
(ii) Buses hired on contract basis Nil
(iii) Details of transport charges Minimum Rs.840/- , Maximum Rs. 1320/-
12 Number of teaching Staff (to be updated from tim to time )
Designation Total No.
Principal 1
Vice Principal 2
TGT 38
PRT 30
Health Wellness Tacher 1
Librarian 2
13 Details of salary being paid by the school to teaching Staff/non-teaching staff(to be updated time to time)
Designation Total Emoluments
From                               To
Principal Rs. 52000/-(Consolidated)
Vice Principal 38816/-                          39790/-
PGT 34616/-                           38816/-
TGT 26759/-                          31092/-
PRT 20840/-                          25302/-
PTI 21100/-                           22800/-
Counsellor 15500/-  (Consolidated)
Librarian 21132/-                           30307/-
Others 19457/-                                       21675/-(Office Staff)
14 Mode of Payment of salary
(i) Name of the Bank through which salary is drawing Federal Bank, Karunagappally
(ii) Through single cheque transfer advice Single Cheque
(iii) Individual cheque NA
(iv) Cash NA
15 Library facilities
(i) Size of the Library in sq.feet 1500
(ii) No. of Periodicals 25
(iii) No. of Dailies 5
(iv) No. of Reference books class-wise
Class No. Reference Books
I 231
II 255
III 294
IV 315
V 346
VI 644
VII 538
VIII 530
IX 867
X 894
XI 303
XII 339
(v) No. of Magazines 20
(vi) Others
16 Name of the Grievance /redressal Officer with E-mail, ph.No., Fax No. Nair Jayashree Ramachandran,, 09446285739
17 Members of Sexual Harassment Committee Ushakumari (Convenor),  Jayakumar, Bindhu K
18 Class  wise enrolment of school for the current session Class No. Of Sections Enrolment
I 4 146
II 4 158
III 5 177
IV 5 167
V 4 154
VI 5 173
VII 4 152
VIII 4 129
IX 4 135
X 3 108
XI 2 75
XII 3 114
19 Academic session period From 1st June to 31 st March
20 Vacation period From 1st April to 31 st May
21 Admission period From Ist April to 31st May